Tag: film

  • Bugs and workarounds editing multi-cam

    We recently did a small multicam shoot for some circus artist friends, and were reminded not to cut corners in prep…  Specifically, don’t rely on software to sync your clips for you!  It is worth taking the time to carefully and correctly slate every take.  Editing, and the entire post process, will be so much…

  • Guerilla filmmaking at its best!

    My first short film, Kid Stuff, featured some guerilla filmmaking – shots of a pawn shop, in particular. So I am always heartened and intrigued to learn of the guerilla tactics of others. This is quite a coup, though: shooting a feature at Disney World!   http://www.fastcocreate.com/3017814/how-the-makers-of-escape-from-tomorrow-made-a-twisted-disney-world-horror-without-disneys-ok