Category: Film technology

  • My Premiere Pro multi-cam premier

    So we did this little shoot.  Three cameras, plus multitrack audio.  Slated most of the takes, like I said… Here is the workflow we evolved: Shoot seven takes total of three different pieces by the aerialist team, Charity and Jon. Ingest – Broadcast wav in multitrack Pro Tools sessions for audio Canon AVCHD files from two…

  • Guerilla filmmaking at its best!

    My first short film, Kid Stuff, featured some guerilla filmmaking – shots of a pawn shop, in particular. So I am always heartened and intrigued to learn of the guerilla tactics of others. This is quite a coup, though: shooting a feature at Disney World!    

  • The Joys of Post Production

    I have nearly completed a rather large project – a DVD of Video Killed the Fairytale Star, Sunnyside Environmental School’s Spring musical.  I ended up only editing one complete performance, rather than cutting together bits and pieces.  But that is a two hour show, with a three camera shoot and 14 channels of field audio in Pro…

  • Time remapping: Final Cut beats Avid and Adobe by a couple of lengths

    It seemed so simple… Just speed up some clips, creating a faux-time-lapse sequence. It would be cute, save some space. It seemed so simple… I am editing the DVD (and BluRay) packages for Sunnyside Environmental School’s Spring musical, Video Killed the Fairytale Star. Three performances, each shot with three cameras – plus an 8 or…

  • New Cameras for Filmmakers

    The film and pro video world is abuzz this week about changes in the camera landscape.  Amidst the usual flurry of growing capabilities for shrinking prices, a couple of things have caused a lurch: Red Digital Cinema announced impending price cuts.  Red’s  cameras have taken parts of the pro video business by storm because of…